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Privacy Policy

Policy regarding protection of personal information

Established September 1, 2007
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo, Secretariat

Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo is committed to taking the utmost precautions to protect personal information. Our fundamental policy regarding the protection of personal information is as follows.

1. Collection of personal information
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo will not collect the personal information of an individual without consent. The purpose of collecting data shall be clearly defined, and the data shall be collected within the extent that is necessary.
2. Usage, provision and consignment of personal information
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo will use the personal information only within the scope of the agreement made with the individual, and will not disclose or provide the personal information to a third party without the consent of the individual except in case of a legal request made under legislation or by a public institution, or in the case of an emergency evacuation. In the event that the processing of personal information is subcontracted to an external party, it shall be strictly managed by our company.
3. Measures against personal information risks
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo is committed to ensuring that proper safety measures are taken from physical, technical and organizational aspects to prevent and correct unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leaks, etc.
4. Strict compliance with laws and other standards regarding personal information
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo acknowledges the importance and fundamental principles of personal information and complies with the fundamental principles of laws and ordinances and other standards.
5. Continued improvement of compliance with the fundamental principles of laws and ordinances (Compliance program)
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo continuously strives to improve its compliance with the fundamental principles of laws and ordinances in the context of any changes in the external or internal environment, in order to adequately protect personal information.
Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo
Mailaddress: info@pharmarise.jp
Telephone: 011-209-5410 (main switchboard)

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The collection of personal information and purpose of use

Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo collects the personal information of patients and other individuals for the following purposes. Collected personal information will not be used, provided or consigned for other purposes without the patient's consent.

a. Usage related to medical treatment provided to the patient

Usage at Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo

[Administration of operational management related to patients]

  • Accounts and accounting work
  • For analysis and administrative reports that go toward improving services provided by Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo while also ensuring safety, preventing accidents, etc.
  • For information provided to other vendors (the tenants in the Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo facility)
b. Purpose of usage other than the above

Usage at Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo

[Administration and operational management of the medical mall]

  • Questionnaire survey for the purpose of the patient satisfaction and administrative improvements

Provision of information to other vendors

[Administration and operational management of Pharmarise Medical Mall Sapporo]

  • Provision of information to an external audit body

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